
DavespritexReader : Homestuck : Sessions Apart

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text


It wasn’t long after Jade had rescued you from your planet being blown to pieces that you found Davesprite. You were another player from another server playing and somehow got caught up with one of the planets Jade had shrunk down and keeps safe. You’ve already ascended to god tier and was the (???) of (???).  You didn’t know there were other players, you didn’t know how you got into their session, but at least you were safe. Your friends were all separated and you had no idea what had happened to them. You thought you were the last human being since the Earth was somehow destroyed.

Jade took you in, introducing you to Davesprite and John. You became good friends with everyone there, riding along with them in their ship and usually hanging out at
John’s house. It didn’t take long for you to grow feelings for Davesprite. Sure, he was a sprite, but it was something about him that you liked. You never met the other Dave, and you didn’t want to, scared you might change your way of looking towards Davesprite. Scared he might not look the same at you anymore.

Now, you sat next to him along with Jade and John. You were watching a Nick Cage movie since it was John’s turn to choose what movie to watch. You had to admit, it was pretty bad, but you sucked it up and decided to stick through it all. After the cheesy movie was done, Jade and Davesprite stood up together (Well, rather Davesprite floated up) and held hands standing in front of both you and John. You gave them a rather curious/crooked smile as they held hands beaming.

“Well! I suppose it’s time we tell you both now!” Jade giggled, blushing a bit. You and John tilted your heads a bit in an interested kind of way. “Davesprite and I are officially dating now!” Jade laughed happily, hugging Davesprite. Your smiled faltered a bit as she announced it but you quickly laughed and stood up to hug Jade.

“That’s great! How about we celebrate by me baking some treats for you?” You asked plastering a smile onto your face. Inside it hurt, hurt so much. You didn’t see this coming, but then again, who did? It shocked you so bad, you could feel a hole opening in your heart. You decided to put your cooking skills to use by using it as a distraction to get away.

“That’s be great!” smiled Jade as she took your hands. You flinched a bit, but not enough to alarm anyone in the room. “Should I help too?” She asked looking at you.

“No no! I’ll be fine! Just stay here and wait, alright?” You say grinning and giving Jade a reassuring look.

She took the bait and laughed, thanking you and walking away towards Davesprite. You lingered for a moment, watching the scene. Davesprite put an arm around Jade smiling happily as they talked to an excited John. He saw you staring and waved a bit grinning like the happiest man (or sprite) in the world. You smiled back and give him a double thumbs up. You turned around briskly and walked in the kitchen where you greeted by nanasprite.

You rolled up your sleeves as you entered the kitchen. “Let’s give these suckers a treat they’ll never forget.”

Later you come out with a DELICIOUS LOOKING COOKIE CAKE. (That’s right bitches. COOKIE. CAKE.) The three look upon it with excited eyes and once you give them the go to eat it, they literally consume the treat whole. Once they were done, they sat back patting their stuffed stomachs as you clean up the mess.

“Oh man, that was goood~” John says happily as he pats his stomach. The three sigh contently and sit for a little bit.

“WAIT! [Name], I didn’t see you eat a single bite at all!” Jade shouts as she sits up abruptly. You were just making your way to the kitchen as she said that. You stop abruptly almost dropping the plates and falling down. You recover quickly and turn around with a fake smile on your face.

“Oh it’s alright. I wasn’t that hungry anyway, but I’m glad you guys enjoyed it!” You say choosing your words carefully. You tried the fact that you ARE hungry but  too stupid not to feed yourself as you were distracting yourself. You turned around again leaving Jade satisfied with your answer, but little did you know, you left Davesprite feeling doubtful of your response.

“What’s wrong Davesprite?” Jade asks glancing curiously up at him.

He looks down at her and kissed her forehead. “Nothing Jade.” She giggles and they continue to chatter about.

As you put the dishes in the sink you frown and lean over the sink. You could feel your stomach grumbling softly, begging for food. Well you gotta do what you gotta do, get some food for god’s sake. You raid the fridge occasionally throwing out multitudes of cookies stuffed inside. You eventually find a loaf of bread and some (Flavour) jam. You set your supplies down on the counter and began preparing your sandwich. You finished one piece of bread and bit into it. The bread wasn’t bad or good either, but whatever. You needed to get something into your system before you pass out. You finish your 3rd one and cleaned up the mess. As you were putting the bread and jam away, Davesprite flew near the entrance of the kitchen leaning against the wall. You glanced up to see him and finished putting away the stuff.

“What do you want now Dave?” You sigh, as you wipe your hands on the dishtowel. You called Davesprite Dave because since you didn’t meet the other guy yet, you might as well call this one by his real name.

“Oh nothing,” He says simply putting on his poker face. This always annoyed you; clearly he did need something if he was bugging you.

“Well fine, if that’s the case I’ll be going to my bedroom.” You say quickly walking past him. As you walk no less than one foot away from him he grabs you with the end of his tail(?) and pulls you close to him. You struggle against his grip and try to pry yourself away from him but it was no use. “Arrgg! Seriously what do you want?” You hissed still trying to release yourself from him. He looks at you and frowns a bit, the corners of his mouth pulling downward.

“I want to know why you lied to us [Name],” He said quietly, still not loosening his grip on you. He crosses his arms as his looks at you.

You look away and stop trying to loosen his grip. You clearly didn’t want to tell him, it was none of his business anyway.  “Maybe because I don’t want to ruin Jade’s perfect day.” You mutter stubbornly, still not looking at Davesprite. You hated this, him questioning you like some big shot ready to put their noses in everyone’s business. He stared at you for a moment longer then softened his grip and let you on your feet again. “Thank you Mr. Strider, by the way you should be going back to your bed before she starts wondering where you’ve gone.” You walk silently back to your room, upstairs and close the door leaving Davesprite floating outside the kitchen.

The next morning you got up late and was not in the mood to go downstairs, even if John was willing to drag your miserable self out of the bedroom. You got up from your bed and combed your hair with your fingers. You made your across the room to where your laptop was placed. You logged on and found your buddies have been trying to contact you while you were asleep. Your friends… they finally contacted you. All 3 of them, they were still alive. You quickly checked your messages seeing that they ceased pestering you awhile ago. As you scrolled down each of the messages, the chat became more horrible. More and more dreadful then you could imagine. Your enemy, [Villain Name, Like Noir but something else.], was on their tails when they started messaging you. They cried for help, asking where you were, wondering where you were, how you were doing, discussing the problem they were in. It went on for hours before they stopped and said they were safe. They were safe by the end of the message, but for how long? You shut the laptop abruptly, the color draining form your face. You got up and decided to tell the others. To tell you’re going to leave soon. You stood up, brushing your hair roughly with your fingers and patting down your god tier clothes. You opened the door and walked down the stairs silently but by the time you reached the bottom stairs you heard a high pitched voice calling out.

“Good morning [name]!~” Jade cried happily as she hugged you. “Did you sleep well??”

You smiled weakly at the sudden change of mood. “Er…yea I did, thanks for asking Jade.” Jade didn’t noticed and instead led you inside the kitchen where she placed a plate of breakfast in your hands. You walked out as Davesprite floated in, giving Jade a morning hug. You were glad to get out because the ache you had since last night came back again. You sat on the couch and John sat next to you munching on his breakfast. He glanced up at you and stopped chewing.

“[Name], are you alright? You’re really pale,” John said staring at you. You sighed and picked your breakfast.

“I have something to tell all of you when we’re done. I don’t want to freak you out right now,” You say simply not looking at John. He looks at you curiously and then shrugs thinking that you’re being overly serious.

After everyone was done eating, you gathered them all in the living room to speak to them. You sat nervously on the floor as they adjusted themselves on the couch in front of you. As they finally found where they sat you began to speak.

“Guys, I’m going to have to leave soon,” You said finally, shocked silence following after it. You continued again, “I found that all my other friends are still alive and safe, but I don’t know for how long. Our enemy, like your Noir, is hunting us down. I need to help them soon.” You take in a sharp breath looking down at the floor with tears threatening to fall down from your eyes. You didn’t want to leave, but your players needed you. You didn’t belong in this session, nor were you supposed to be in it. You don’t know how you got in here, but you needed to get out before you’ve lost connection with the other side. Your life depended on the other session. Jade suddenly got up and hugged you tightly, shocking you.

“I’m so sorry [Name]. I wish you could stay longer with us, and could play with us.” Jade said quietly  tears forming at the end of her eyes.

You smiled sadly and hugged her back. “Thanks Jade, I’m sorry too. I’m not supposed to be here, but it was fun.” You stood up, helping Jade up too. “I’m going to be here a little longer so I could find out where they are. I hope you don’t mind.”

John shook his violently, “No no! We don’t mind, stay here as long as you like. You’re our friend remember?” You hugged him too, smiling sadly and thanking him. You made your way back up to your room and past Davesprite. He stopped you, grabbing your arm hard and fast with his talons digging into your skin. You flinched and tried to bring your arm away but he held on.

“Just what are you doing? Leaving us here and going away on your own? That’s suicide!” He hissed frowning at you. You glared at him and shoved him away.

“I know you’ve been in a situation like this before Dave! I know people close to you have died!” You hiss back angry, you began jabbing a finger at his chest. “I have to go to them! I don’t belong HERE. This is NOT my session. I’m not even SUPPOSED to be here, but I am! If the other session fails, I will be trapped here FOREVER! I couldn’t even escape with you guys if you make it!” You glared at him as he backed off clearly hurt from your words. You backed away and walked quickly up the stairs slamming the bedroom door with a loud BANG.

For the next few days, you mostly stayed in your bedroom trying to find a way how to get to the other session and to find where your comrades are. Occasionally, either Jade or John almost broke the door down to drag you out of the room to do something else for a change. You avoided Davesprite for most of the time, having small talk but nothing more. Then the time came when everyone was asleep except for you and him. You sat down on the stairs with your head in your hands looking down at the steps. Your head hurt from all the time stuck in the room and looking at the laptop for a long time. Davesprite rather traveled up and sat next to you as he coiled his tail(?) around one of the rungs on the railings. You glanced sideways at him a little bit annoyed and glad he was sitting there.  
“So what’s up?” He says simply. Typical, not much of a man with many words.

You stayed silent for a little bit, biting your lip. “Not much, the occasionally messages from them, then bam, they have to run and hide again. I’m tired of this, they need me, and they need their leader.” You croak out tears threatening to spill out. It hurt, if you didn’t find a way soon, your session will be doomed. You didn’t want to leave this one, but the other needed you whether you liked it or not. You wanted to meet the other players, but there was no more time for that. Time was running out for you and your team. Your enemy was upon you and you needed to win this. If you were the last survivor…you would lose your sanity of being human and eventually disappear becoming part of the game without a trace of your former self.

As you drowned in your own thoughts, Davesprite put a comforting arm around you and hugged you close. You were shocked and sat stiff, Davesprite usually didn’t do these things. “Man, it’ll be okay. You’ve got us by your goddamn side alright? I mean you know, I don’t know your session bu-” Before he could finish the sentence you kissed him on the lips. He spread out his wings in surprise but kissed you back. You realized what you were doing and pulled back, blushing a deep, shameful red. You put a finger to your lips and the tears came, slow and steady. You hid your face with your arm, roughly wiping your eyes. God, why does it all have to hurt so damn much? You stood up quickly and muttered a sorry then running back into your room.

As you locked the door, you leaned against it and slid down bawling your eyes out. Why? Why did this all have to happen? Your feelings were so confused, so messed up. Your feelings for Davesprite, your hurt feelings for the relationship, your comrades, your undecided fate, and the ending of your session. It all weighed down on you so heavily. For the rest of the night, you cried your eyes out eventually falling asleep on the floor near the door.

The next day you awoke, stiff and stressed. Your face was wet and your joints were stiff. You wiped your face with your sleeve and stretched a bit hearing the joints pop and crack. You yawned and trudged to the computer opening the dim lighted laptop. You saw one of your friends was pestering you in which you checked out.

----- teammateName [TN] has started pestering yourName [YN] -----
[TN]: [Name]!!!!
[TN]: [NAME]!!!!!!!!!!!
[TN]: [NAME]!!!! COME ON!!!
[YN]: What is it?! Sorry I’m up though!!!!
[TN]: Aughh! Finally your hear!
[TN]: ***Here
[TN]: anyway look I haven’t got enough time to talk but I found a way for you to come back to our sesiion!
[TN]: ERRG The stupid typos but whatever the thing is that (Villain Name) is comin for us soon! We haven’t got ebough time but for now we re under protection by some people. We be at (Location Name).
[YN]: WHAT?!?!? There??!?!?? How did you get there anyway! What do I gotta do???
[TN]: THERES NO TIME hes going to find us in a matter of days maybe hours. You have to fly up to (star name) star. It’s a portal to where we are hopfully you can find it. Its in the (east,west,north, or south) sky! Fly straight to it and youll find us soon hopefully we have to go somewhere now its important that you come ASAP!
---- teammateName [TN] has stopped pestering yourName [YN] ----

You shut the laptop abruptly gathering your stuff. But wait you don’t need stuff; you’re in god tier for god’s sake. You’re not a normal player anymore! You rushed out of the room suddenly startling John, Jade and Davesprite.

“[Name]?! What’s going on?!” shouted John as he tried following you around the house.

“I need to go! I found out how! I need to leave now!” You shout throwing stuff around and trying to find your weapon. A pillow hit John in the face and he pushed it away.
“W-W-W-What?! Now?! But!” John Stuttered as you found you weapon. A Swiss army knife thing that could transform into a multitude of weapons. Jade and Davesprite ran out of the kitchen to find out what the commotion was about.

You decided to test the weapon out real quick before leaving. “Chainsaw! Machete! Knife! Gun!” You shouted and the Swiss army knife transformed into the various weapons you called.  Good, it still works quite well.

The three surround you as you bustled around and finally was ready to go. The three stared at you in shock, surprise or in awe.

“[Name]? You’re already leaving?!” Jade cried flinging her arms around you.

You smiled sadly, “Yea Jade, I have to leave. They need me right now. We’re at our last run, its either do or die now.” John and Jade looked as if they were about to cry as they stood in front of you. It was really only Davesprite who frowned and stood calm. You shifted your feet nervously and then remembered something. “That reminds me! I’ve got these for you guys.” You brought out three handmade necklaces with their old logos as charms. You gave Jade her Devil-Dog one, John his green slime ghost and Dave a broken disc but with a sword behind it. You smiled happily as you put them on each person.

“This way you can remember me!” You cried happily, trying not to let the tears fall from your [eye colour] eyes.

“Oh [Name]!” Sobbed Jade as she hugged you again. She drew back and took something from her pocket, it was a silver bracelet with each of their names, even the one’s you haven’t met yet, on charms hanging from it. You took it in awe and slipped it on. The silver was cool and smooth. You smiled, once again tears falling down your cheeks, but these ones where happy.

You hugged Jade first, “Thanks Jade. You’re the best, I hope you make it out and maybe we’ll meet each other again.” Then it was John, “Hey John, I hope the best for you. You better make it out you hear boy?” You kissed his cheek and moved to stand in front of Davesprite. You gave him a quick hug and pointed a finger at him, putting a serious expression on your face. “You better take care of them you hear? I don’t want any crap coming my way because you didn’t do shit.” You giggled and stood in front of the three. Tears were streaming down your cheeks silently. You saluted them and flew off towards the sky where the star was. It was bright, almost blinding you. You took a deep breath, your heart thumbing, kicked toward the star and allowed the light to surround you.

(To The Beta Session)

It’s been a very long time since you’ve gone away to your other session. John and Jade had moved on, barely thinking about you anymore. Occasionally they’ll reminisce and hold their necklaces (In which they hide beneath their clothes but wear everyday) in a loving, but mournful way. Though through all the happiness and the act of moving on, there was one young man, or sprite I should say, that has not nor will forget you. He touches his lips every once in a while, remembering the sweet kiss you’ve given him on an impulse. It hurt him too, in which you left in such a stiff and cold manner towards him. At last, he couldn’t take it anymore. The pain was overpowering him and he needed to see you. Just one last time, apologize and confess his true feelings. On a whim, Davesprite traveled to your bedroom and decided to check out your computer. As he was going through your messages, he found out where you were going and how you were going there.

He gritted his teeth, surely going into another session is suicide, but he wanted, no he NEEDED to see you again. He read the instructions again, ignoring the typos, and made his mind to see you again. He took Jade outside, leaving John inside playing his games and told her his real feelings. She took it better than he thought. Though she still cried, she told him she was happy for telling the truth and confessing. Jade encouraged his decision actually, to find her, though he did admit she was still very sad. Davesprite apologized but asked for a favor. He gave her a card, glowing with orange text, and told her specific instructions on what to do. After that he led her inside and said farewell only to her, disappearing into the starry sky…

(To your session.)

You and your comrade were running, tears staining both of your faces. The enemy was near, threatening to kill you and your teammate’s lives. There was nowhere else to run and nowhere to hide from this monstrous creature chasing you. Your teammate tripped and fell, falling behind with the enemy following close behind. You stopped abruptly, running back your teammate and trying to help him up.

“No! [Name] you have to go without me! Live on for us!” He shouts clutching his twisted ankle.

You grit your teeth and run in front of him bearing a defensive stance. “No way! I’m not leaving without you! If we both don’t survive together, we’re doomed!” You bring out your Swiss army knife, transforming it into a long cruel scythe. The monster came closer and closer, perhaps laughing a cruel laugh. You prepared for the strike, a fight to the death in which luck, chance and skill must be depended on. When the enemy came close enough you struck, engaging in a deadly battle. Many times it was a close call, only slicing non lethal parts of your body. Suddenly, he knocked you into the ground, creating a crater in which the impact made you cough up blood. Your sight went blurry, you limbs not able to move at all. At last the enemy stood over you cackling, and licking blood off of his weapon.

“This is it. I’m going to die here.” You thought looking at the creature with burning hatred in your eyes. As the monster was about to strike, your teammate came in and then was stabbed in the chest by the monster. With his last few breaths he took his weapon and plunged it deep into the enemy’s heart. Sacrificing his own life to save yours and kill the monster.

“NOOO!” You scream as his body went limp. The monster disappeared into a burst of darkness leaving you and your teammate alone. You caught your teammate and laid his head in your lap. “No…No! This can’t be happening! You can’t die [Teammate Name]!” You sobbed caressing his face as your tears feel.

He smiled weakly and put his hand to your face tears also streaming from the side of his face. “You have to live for us. Don’t lose hope [Name]. We love…you,” He sputtered the last words and fell limp with a faraway look in his eyes. This was it, the last of your team. You screamed and sobbed, crying loudly. There was no one left in this place for you to talk to, to help you and to comfort you. You had to face it; you were the only one here. Suddenly the other two bodies materialized next to you showing the dead bodies of your friends.

That was the last straw, the last piece of your sanity. Seeing your closest friends’ blood still fresh and dripping from their pale bodies. One was beat to death, another strangled, and the last one stabbed. You screamed again, your throat burning your chest heaving. You covered you eyes, your mind filled with insanity, grief, sorrow, anger and shock. Flashes of your past gaming experience flashed through your mind, slipping away like thin silver threads from your fingers. Little did you know, as you were slipping away from existence, Davesprite was flying towards you. He observed the scene in horror and flew as fast as he could towards you. You looked at your hands and yourself, your vision was blurry but you could see the bright red liquid sticking to you. The blood of all the players were combining together to form a sea of red.

Davesprite stopped next to you and you look up at him with blurry eyes. “D-Dave?” You whispered, his existence bringing you back to earth. You cried as he approached you, he wrapped a wing and arm around you. “Dave…my gosh. I can’t I’ve seen so much death already. I’m all alone now, I can’t…” You sobbed clutching on to him. He hugged you tightly as you shook and cried.

“Shh…It’s alright [Name], I’m here there’s nothing to worry about.” He whispered as he picked you up and out of the crater.

“Nothing to worry about?! My friends DIED right in front of my eyes!” You cry burying your face into his chest. Even though he was just sprite, you could faintly hear a soft heartbeat coming from him. You places your arms around him, shaking and shivering like a poor pet in the rain.

“Look at me [Name].” Davesprite said holding you as he sat on the ground. You looked up the tears starting to dry in your eyes. He sighed and wiped the tears from your eyes. “Look, I’m sorry for…everything alright? And..and I just wanted to let you know, I love you.” He kissed you softly, nibbling your lip a bit then drawing back. You look at him in surprise and bury you head into his chest again trying to hide your blush.

“God, you’re just so…” You mutter, forgetting all that happened. “I love you too bird brain.” You say quickly sitting up and kissing him on the lips. You lingered for a bit, feeling as if time has stopped and it only remained you and Davesprite in this moment. At last you pull away, blushing more and looking down at your tattered clothing. You hug him tightly and whisper in his ear. “Thank you so much for coming, I missed you so much.”

“No problem, I mean what are you going to do without me?” He smirked as you let go. You shrugged at looked behind him, back at the crater.

“I don’t know what to do now…” You say quietly remember what had just happened with your session.

“How about we do something honorable for them?”

After you were done burying them and scratching their names in pieces of wood you found nearby, you placed some flowers at each of their graves. You held Davesprite’s hand and hugged him close.

“I’m going to miss them so much…” You say staring down at their graves.

“I’m sure they’re watching over us right now. They said they loved you, they’ll never be forgotten.” Davesprite says resting his chin on your head.

“Yea…Let’s leave them for now. They deserve some peace after all the things we’ve been through.” You say walking away. Davesprite catches up with you holding your hand as you set off, exploring the new world awaiting you. You could do this, you know you can, now that Davesprite is with you. You believe the ending was bittersweet, but you know there will be more hard times to come. You’ll be there with Davesprite to face it.

As you walked farther away from the grave, three translucent figures rose from the ground. They had blank eyes and were about to depart to their dream bubble.

“At least she’s happy…” A young girl said, the first teammate to pass.

“We’ll be around when she needs us, she knows that,” The other male says, the second to say goodbye.

“We’ll love her forever. We’ll always be her best of friends.” The last boy says, looking your direction.

You sensed something behind you and saw three figures standing on their graves. You knew it was the three dream versions of your comrades. You turned around and saluted them blowing a kiss good bye. They waved and returned the favor, disappearing from your sight. You squeezed Davesprite’s hand and hugged him close, kissing him on the cheek.

“I love you Dave.” You say quietly.

“I love you too [Name]. Forever and ever.”
Gosh darn. This is super long. (10 pages on Word.) Please notify me if something is misspelled or whatever.

Anyway, yes another session. What else was I going to put? You magically appeared as part of the game? F no. I wondered what if there were other players playing, but we didn't know? So yea. I put that there. I also linked Davesprite's mysterious disappearance and break up with Jade. So don't yell at me.

I was in sad moods when writing this. Thank me for putting some sloppy makeouts in here. I tried people I tried to make it happy. Davesprite just puts a shitload of sadstuck on you.

This is your New Year/Late Christmas Present. :0 Sorry it's so unhappy. I have a DavexReader coming out soon. So is my Part 7 of KidxReader.

Picture: [link]
Homestuck: :iconandrewhussieplz:
You: :icondavespriteplz:

Inspriation for Sessions: [link]
© 2013 - 2024 xForeverStrange
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